Server Guides » How it Works: Spawners 2.0
Spawner Basics / F. A. Q.
What is a Mob Spawner?
If you don't know what a mob spawner is (or commonly just called a ‘spawner’), it's a block native to minecraft that will spawn certain mobs near the location of the block. These items are scattered all through the world including the overworld, nether, and the end.
How do you collect a spawner?
By default in Minecraft there is no way to collect naturally generated spawners, which is why we used to have a method where you could put the Silk Touch enchantment on a pickaxe and would be able to move them around. However, on servers that have spawners 2.0 installed you no longer need silk touch to mine a spawner! This means you can simply break them (as long as you're in an area that you have permissions to be in) and collect the spawner block!
Are you sure you no longer need Silk Touch with Spawners 2.0?
Correct, you no longer need silk touch to mine Mob Spawners!
How do I know if the server I'm on has Spawners 2.0?
If the spawner has a sign above it that shows the Tier of the spawner, and you can right click that sign to learn more information, you are on a supported server. Also, with Spawners 2.0 no mobs are spawned, and instead their value goes into the sign above.
Since mobs no longer spawn from spawners, do we still need mob farms?
The beauty of the Spawners 2.0 is it simplifies the process of earning in-game currency. This eliminated the need for massive spawner farms, and redstone sorting machines, as well as tedious maintenance of those farms.
Rather than needing to build a spawner room that funnels entities to an area to attack them, then move the items through sorters, you simply just have to stand near the spawner. Each time a mob(s) would normally spawn the appropriate IGC value will be added to the sign above the spawner. To collect the balance, simply left click the sign.
Do spawners run even when I'm offline?
No. Due to the nature of Minecraft, only loaded chunks with a player nearby will trigger the spawner event. This means you (or a friend) will have to AFK near the spawner(s).
Note: If someone has physical access to the spawner, they WILL be able to collect the balance!
How do you collect money from a spawner?
To collect money from a spawner, simple left click the mob spawner sign and the IGN is added to your balance.
Can you get mob drops from spawners?
No, since no mobs spawn you cannot get their drops. If you want mob drops you have to get them the old fashioned way!
How many spawners are we limited to per chunk/area?
In reality there's no reason why you should have more than 4 spawners of any tier, and that's because a single spawner from the next tier is better than 5 spawners of the lower tier. For example 5 Tier 1 spawners generate a combined total of 5 cents per spawn event, where as a single Tier 2 would spawn 6. This obviously scales as the Tiers increase.
Now that doesn't mean you can't have 4 Tier 1 spawners and 4 Tier 2 spawners, it just means that it's more efficient to upgrade spawners than to have individual spawners.
Note: Having too many spawners in a single area can cause FPS lag on some clients, so massive concentrations of spawners are not allowed.
How Spawners 2.0 Works
The first step is to find a spawner that you want to use. If you find a stronghold, or a cave dungeon, a shulker spawner in the end, or a blaze spawner in the overworld simply break it to collect it. Once you have your spawner, bring it to the place there you want to place it down.
Note: When placing a spawner down, there must be a space open above the block. This is because it needs space to place the sign for the spawner.
Once the mob spawner is placed is will place a sign overhead that shows the name of the mob, the current IGC balance, and the spawner ID. Now you can stand or AFK next to the spawner and watch the balance rise!
Note: When the mob spawner's IGC balance is full, it will no longer collect IGC.
How to Upgrade Spawners
When you collect 5 spawners from the Same Tier, you can type /UpgradeSpawner to open the upgrade GUI. Click on the 5 spawners from your inventory that you want to upgrade and click the green ACCEPT button. You will then be given a random spawner from the next tier.
Spawner Tiers and Vault Sizes
The chart below will show the information to each Tier.
Tier Number | Tier Name | Max Vault |
1 | Basic | $5.00 |
2 | Classic | $30.00 |
3 | Common | $180.00 |
4 | Uncommon | $1,080.00 |
5 | Collectable | $6,480.00 |
6 | Rare | $38,880.00 |
7 | Unique | $233,280.00 |
8 | Magical | $1,399,680.00 |
9 | Elemental | $8,398080.00 |
10 | Immortal | $50,388,480.00 |
11 | Epic | $302,330,880.00 |
12 | Unreal | $1,813,985,280.00 |
13 | Elite | $10,883,911,680.00 |
14 | Legendary | $65,303,470,080.00 |
15 | Mythical | $391,820,820,480.00 |
16 | Glitch | $2,350,924,922,880.00 |
Spawner Tiers
ENTITY TYPE | Tier | SpawnerTier |
BLAZE | Basic | 1 |
CAVE_SPIDER | Basic | 1 |
PIG | Basic | 1 |
SPIDER | Basic | 1 |
ZOMBIE | Basic | 1 |
SKELETON | Basic | 1 |
SILVERFISH | Basic | 1 |
MAGMA_CUBE | Basic | 1 |
CHICKEN | Classic | 2 |
COW | Classic | 2 |
RABBIT | Classic | 2 |
SQUID | Classic | 2 |
SHEEP | Classic | 2 |
WOLF | Classic | 2 |
WITCH | Classic | 2 |
HORSE | Classic | 2 |
MUSHROOM_COW | Classic | 2 |
SNOWMAN | Classic | 2 |
BEE | Common | 3 |
SALMON | Common | 3 |
COD | Common | 3 |
FOX | Common | 3 |
MULE | Common | 3 |
TROPICAL_FISH | Common | 3 |
CAT | Common | 3 |
TURTLE | Common | 3 |
BAT | Common | 3 |
DONKEY | Common | 3 |
LLAMA | Uncommon | 4 |
GLOW_SQUID | Uncommon | 4 |
PARROT | Uncommon | 4 |
GHAST | Uncommon | 4 |
GOAT | Uncommon | 4 |
OCELOT | Uncommon | 4 |
PUFFERFISH | Uncommon | 4 |
DOLPHIN | Uncommon | 4 |
STRAY | Uncommon | 4 |
AXOLOTL | Uncommon | 4 |
POLAR_BEAR | Collectable | 5 |
FROG | Collectable | 5 |
HUSK | Collectable | 5 |
DROWNED | Collectable | 5 |
ENDERMAN | Collectable | 5 |
GUARDIAN | Collectable | 5 |
SHULKER | Collectable | 5 |
ENDERMITE | Collectable | 5 |
PILLAGER | Collectable | 5 |
EVOKER | Collectable | 5 |
PANDA | Rare | 6 |
VILLAGER | Rare | 6 |
CAMEL | Rare | 6 |
SNIFFER | Rare | 6 |
VEX | Rare | 6 |
ALLAY | Rare | 6 |
TADPOLE | Rare | 6 |
HOGLIN | Rare | 6 |
ZOGLIN | Rare | 6 |
PIGLIN | Rare | 6 |
VINDICATOR | Rare | 6 |
PIGLIN_BRUTE | Rare | 6 |
ZOMBIE_VILLAGER | Unique | 7 |
WITHER_SKELETON | Unique | 7 |
STRIDER | Unique | 7 |
ELDER_GUARDIAN | Unique | 7 |
PHANTOM | Unique | 7 |
CREEPER | Unique | 7 |
SLIME | Unique | 7 |
IRON_GOLEM | Unique | 7 |
WITHER | Unique | 7 |
WARDEN | Unique | 7 |
BOAT | Magical | 8 |
DROPPED_ITEM | Magical | 8 |
PRIMED_TNT | Magical | 8 |
GIANT | Magical | 8 |
ENDER_DRAGON | Magical | 8 |
RAVAGER | Magical | 8 |
EVOKER_FANGS | Magical | 8 |
ZOMBIE_HORSE | Magical | 8 |
SKELETON_HORSE | Magical | 8 |
EXPERIENCE_ORB | Magical | 8 |
ILLUSIONER | Magical | 8 |
WANDERING_TRADER | Elemental | 9 |
TRADER_LLAMA | Elemental | 9 |
SNOWBALL | Elemental | 9 |
FIREWORK | Elemental | 9 |
ENDER_PEARL | Elemental | 9 |
ENDER_CRYSTAL | Elemental | 9 |
ENDER_SIGNAL | Elemental | 9 |
CHEST_BOAT | Immortal | 10 |
GLOW_ITEM_FRAME | Immortal | 10 |
PAINTING | Immortal | 10 |
ITEM_FRAME | Immortal | 10 |
ARROW | Immortal | 10 |
EGG | Epic | 11 |
TRIDENT | Epic | 11 |
SPECTRAL_ARROW | Epic | 11 |
SPLASH_POTION | Epic | 11 |
ARMOR_STAND | Epic | 11 |
WITHER_SKULL | Unreal | 12 |
SHULKER_BULLET | Unreal | 12 |
LLAMA_SPIT | Unreal | 12 |
SMALL_FIREBALL | Unreal | 12 |
FIREBALL | Unreal | 12 |
DRAGON_FIREBALL | Unreal | 12 |
MINECART | Elite | 13 |
MINECART_CHEST | Elite | 13 |
MINECART_HOPPER | Elite | 13 |
MINECART_TNT | Legendary | 14 |
FISHING_HOOK | Legendary | 14 |
FALLING_BLOCK | Legendary | 14 |
LEASH_HITCH | Mythical | 15 |
MARKER | Mythical | 15 |
THROWN_EXP_BOTTLE | Mythical | 15 |
AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD | Mythical | 15 |
LIGHTNING | Glitch | 16 |