Server Guides » Skyblock Gamemode and Command Guide

Skyblock Game mode and Command Guide

Welcome to our Skyblock servers! This guide was created to help familiarize you with the general Skyblock gamemode, as well as to help you recognize the features and differences between the OneBlocks and OP SkyblockWhat is Skyblock?
Skyblock is a gamemode where you start with only 1 small island that contains a tree, a cow or chicken, and other resources that may vary. Create a cobble generator, chop up trees, farm to your heart’s content, and never look back as you expand your island into a mighty paradise! Design mob farms, form landscapes, build castles; play normal Minecraft while you linger above the void. Your island is what you make it!Choosing your Skyblock experience
There are a handful of Skyblock servers available for play: OneBlock (1.16) , SBN OP Skyblock (1.12.2) and SBN OneBlock (1.18). You may find a short description of each below or a more lengthy description of specific details further down!

OneBlock: Start off from mining this magical one block which provides various resources and mobs through different phases. What builds and islands will you create from this one block start? For a more detailed in depth guide check it out.

SBN OP Skyblock: On OP Skyblock players are offered an experience where resources are easier to obtain: ores can be easily obtained through cobblestone generators; players can buy, sell, and trade amongst each other through player sell shops, the auction house, and the trade menu; and the ability to purchase a large variety of resources at /warp shop. Additional features such as McMMO, Custom Enchantments, and envoys might also be something that some might find appealing.

SBN OneBlock: Updated to 1.18 this oneblock has access to newer blocks and unique challenges to unlock special items.

To join any of these servers, type /servers or click whilst holding the compass in the hub. From there, click on the server you wish to join.
To go directly to that server from another server, you can type the following commands to get to the specific server: /oneblock (OneBlock), /sbnopsb ( SBN OP Skyblock) and /oneblock (SBN OneBlock )
MCMMO Servers
SBN OP Skyblock is currently the only skyblock that offers an experience with MCMMO. For help with MCMMO on these servers, the command is /mcmmo help or you can view our MCMMO guide. If you still cannot find an answer after viewing both of those, you are more than welcome to ask your questions on our discord or in confidential help on the forums.
Getting Started
To get started you should have an island created for you if this doesn't occur you can type /is.If you reset your island you will be prompted about which island type you want (if applicable). Each type and what it looks like can be found below.

Are my items safe if I fall into the void?
If you are on OneBlock, or SBN OneBlock you will be safely teleported back to your island spawn should you decide to pay the void a friendly visit. Keeping in mind however you will not keep your inventory for SBN OP Skyblock should you fall an unlucky fate(items will drop as normal just dramatics).

If you happen to fall into the void on SBN OP Skyblock you will die and lose your inventory(The void isn't so friendly on this server!). If you do fall, type /is go and you will be teleported back to your island. While you will still die, your items will be safe at your island spawn point until you return. Some players even place water underneath their spawn point so they do not die when they teleport back!How do I make a generator?
Depending on what version of skyblock you are on there may be different types available in the newer versions you can create Basalt generators. Below is an example of some of the generators.
9xChxp0.pngWhat if I mess up my cobblestone generator?
If your lava turns into obsidian, you can right-click the obsidian with the bucket and it will revert the obsidian back into lava. In some cases you will need to make sure the water is not touching the obsidian. If it turns to stone, you will need to get new lava.

Leveling up your island
Leveling up your island is very simple, place blocks. Some blocks have different values meaning they will level your island up quicker. To check how much an item is worth when placed on your island, hold the item and type /is value.

Regardless of the server that you choose to play on, you can complete challenges for money, items, and experience. From collecting simple crops to inviting your friends to party on your island, it has it all. To do a challenge, type /c or /challenge if you are on SBN OP Skyblock. If you are on OneBlock, SBN Oneblock, the command is /is challenges.How to allow others to visit your island
To allow other players to visit your island, place a sign down with [welcome] on it. If successful, the text will automatically turn green. However, your island must be a specific level in order to create a successful warp. Your island level must be at least 105 on SBN OP Skyblock. On Oneblock and SBN Oneblock your island level must be at least 10.How to create a shop
To create a shop, these general formats can be followed. Please keep in mind, both formats will show the same thing once finished. As can be seen below. For further instruction, please view our shop creation tutorial.

Other ways to buy, sell, or trade

  • If you wish to only sell an item but do not want to create a shop, you can list the item on the ah using the following command while holding the item you are selling: /ah sell <price>. To view items that are on the ah, type /ah.
  • If you wish to trade with other players, the command is /trade <player name>. This is particularly useful for partaking in a safe trade free of scams. Either of the trade’s participants has the option to trade for money, experience, or other items but are not required to. Only one person has to input items into the trade GUI. Once you and/or the other person have placed your items up for trade, you both must click the red glass located underneath your items for the trade to be finalized.
  • On SBN OP Skyblock there is a server shop located at spawn and /warp shop. This allows you to buy items like cobblestone, diamonds, etc. You cannot sell items to these shops.
  • These are some ways to sell items to the server:
    • /sell hand- Sells the item in your currently selected hand. Please note that this will sell all of the items in your inventory that match that block type
    • /sell hand <amount>- This command is useful if your only wish to sell a few of the item you currently have selected in your hotbar.
    • /sell blocks- This command sells all blocks in your inventory. It will not sell items like wheat, seeds, etc.

How do upgrade my generator on the newer OP Skyblocks?
Currently there is not a newer OP Skyblock However a new command which gives you access to tweak your generators. /Is Generator which looks like this:
Various sections of the menu are as follows: blocks in the Green area allow you to filter between generators types Cobble, Stone and Basalt. Red (Redstone dust) will filter to show only generators you have unlocked. Yellow is where the generators will be shown.

Unlocking Generators:
To upgrade- unlock generators there is 2 requirements (besides having one and biomes) meeting the /is level requirement and unlock cost.
If you go over a generator either if you have met the level requirements it will show the block or will be a barrier block if you have not.


You can right click to view which will display the information of the generator (most of which can be seen in the preview)

  • Diamond: Shows the /Is level Requirement
  • Gold Block: the cost of unlocking the generator
  • Hopper: Shows generator priority this can't be changed higher numbers will be preferred if multiple are selected.
  • Above the Hopper: will show a banner Green banners are default generators these can't be disabled Red banners are other generators
  • Left of the Hopper: you can activate/ deactivate a generator
  • Below the Hopper: the type will be displayed whether its a Cobble/Stone/Basalt generator.
  • Chest: Will show the block list and chances
  • Shulker: Will show the treasure list and chance to drop
  • Paper: shows chance of getting a treasure
  • Emerald: shows the amount of treasure that will be dropped

Stages of generators:

  • Cobble: Stone Age (Cobblestone - Default), Coal Age, Iron Age, Restone Age, Gold Age, Diamond Age, Emerald Age, Op Age
  • Stone: Stone Age (Stone - Default)
  • Basalt: Stone Age (Basalt -Default) , Nether Generator (Note: has to be in a nether biome)

Master Command List for OneBlock and SBN OneBlock
Below you will a list of useful commands that can be used while playing Skyblock on this server!

  • /spawn

Function: Teleports you to the server's spawn

  • /vote

Function: Vote for the server and earn cool rewards

  • /votereward

Function: Claim your vote keys after voting

  • /warp crates

Function: Open crates here

  • /crates

Function: Another way to open crates

  • /ah

Function: Open the auction house

  • /ah sell <price>

Function: Sell an item on the auction house

  • /sell hand

Function: Sell select items to the server

  • /island

Function: The main island command

  • /island go

Function: Teleport you to your island

  • /island spawn

Function: Teleport you to your island spawn

  • /island create <blueprint>

Function: Create an island, using an optional blueprint

  • /island reset <blueprint>

Function: Restart your island and remove the old one

  • /island info <player>

Function: Display info about your island or the player's island

  • /island settings

Function: Display island settings

  • /island sethome

Function: Set your home teleport point

  • /island setname <name>

Function: Set a name for your island

  • /island resetname

Function: Reset your island name

  • /island language [language]

Function: Select language

  • /island ban <player>

Function: Ban a player from your island

  • /island unban <player>

Function: Unban a player from your island

  • /island banlist

Function: List banned players

  • /island expel <player>

Function: Expel a player from your island

  • /island near

Function: Show the name of neighboring islands around you

  • /island team

Function: Manage your team

  • /island level [player]

Function: Calculate your island level or show the level of [player]

  • /island top

Function: Show the top ten

  • /island value

Function: Shows the value of any block

  • /island biomes

Function: Opens biome change GUI

  • /island challenges

Function: Open challenges GUI

  • /island teamchat

Function: Toggles team chat on/off

  • /island chat

Function: Toggles island chat on/off

  • /island limits

Function: Show your island limits

  • /island limits recount

Function: Recounts limits for your island

  • /island controlpanel

Function: Opens control panel

  • /island likes

Function: Open likes GUI

  • /island warp <player name>

Function: Warp to the player's warp sign

  • /island warps

Function: Open the warps panel

  • /island team help

Function: Display island team commands

  • /island team coop <player name>

Function: Gives access to a player (based on settings) to your island till either one logs out

  • /island team trust<player name>

Function: Gives access to a player (based on settings) to your island

  • /island team invite <player name>

Function: Add a player to your island team

  • /island team <accept/reject>

Function: Accept or reject an invite to join an island team(If you accept the invite, your island will be deleted!)

  • /island team kick playername

Function: Remove a Member from your island

  • /island team promote <player name>

Function: Promote a player on your island up a rank (to Sub-Owner if Member)

  • /island team demote <player name>

Function: Demote a player on your island up a rank (to Member if Sub-Owner)

  • /island team setowner <player name>

Function: Make another player the owner of your island

  • /is near

Function: Show the name of neighboring islands around you

  • /is count

Function: For OneBlock / SBN OneBlock: Shows the block count and phase

  • /is respawnBlock

Function: For SBN Oneblock: Respawns a magic(oneblock) block in situations when they disappear

General Command List for 1.12.2 Skyblocks (SBN OP Skyblock)
Below you will a list of useful commands that can be used while playing Skyblock on any on the aforementioned servers.

  • /spawn

Function: Teleports you to the server's spawn

  • /vote

Function: Vote for the server and earn cool rewards

  • /votereward

Function: Claim your vote keys after voting

  • /warp crates

Function: Open crates here

  • /crates

Function: Another way to open crates

  • /ah

Function: Open the auction house

  • /ah sell <price>

Function: Sell an item on the auction house

  • /sell hand

Function: Sell select items to the server

  • /is

Function: Open the island GUI.

  • /is go

Function: Teleport to your island.

  • /is spawn

Function: Go to your island spawn.

  • /is controlpanel or cp [on/off]

Function: Open the island GUI.

  • /is reset

Function: Restart your island and remove the own one.

  • /is sethome

Function: Set your teleport point for /is go.

  • /is level

Function: Calculate your island level.

  • /is level <player>

Function: See another player's island level.

  • /is name <name>

Function: Set a name for your island.

  • /is top

Function: See the top ranked islands.

  • /is value

Function: See the island level value of the block in your hand.

  • /is warps

Function: Lists all available welcome-sign warps.

  • /is warp <player>

Function: Warp to <player>'s welcome sign.

  • /is team

Function: View your team information.

  • /is invite

Function: Invite a player to join your island.

  • /is leave

Function: Leave another player's island.

  • /is kick <player>

Function: Remove a team player from your island.

  • /is <accept/reject>

Function: Accept or reject an invitation.

  • /is makeleader

Function: Transfer the island to <player>.

  • /is biomes

Function: Open the biomes GUI.

  • /is expel <player>

Function: Force a player from your island.

  • /is ban <player>

Function: Ban a player from your island.

  • /is banlist

Function: List banned players.

  • /is unban <player>

Function: Unban a player from your island.

  • /is coop <player>

Function: Give a player full access to your island. Be careful with this! Make sure you completely trust whoever you grant this to!

  • /is uncoop <player>

Function: Remove full island access from a player.

  • /is listcoops

Function: List cooped players.

  • /is lock

Function: Locks island so visitors cannot enter it.

  • /is resetname

Function: Reset your island name.

  • /is settings

Function: See island protection and game settings.

  • /challenges

Function: Show challenges.

  • /is lang <#>

Function: Select language.

  • /is help

Function: Provides this list of commands.

  • /warp shop

If you have any further question regarding any of these game modes, please reach out to us on our forums or Discord server!

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