Hub hide and seek

We do the same thing every stream. I have a fun idea for a different stream. I think we(the players), know more about the hub than RGA. So I propose a hide and seek in a copy of the hub. My proposed rules are as follows:

The night before the stream a copy of hub is spun up and players are allowed to join whenever they want to hide. This copy will be the exact same hub we have right now, no changes. On this server fly will be disabled for players. All players will get an inventory of food so they can run around and hide wherever they want without fear of running out of hearts or dying from hunger. When the stream starts all players are locked into the block they are standing on. There will be no running away. RGA gets fly, but absolutely no other tools. No commands, no see through blocks, nothing that gives him an advantage. When he finds a player and hits them they get kicked from the server. When RGA is ready to give up: Anyone who is still on the server wins a prize(A good one).

Can go as short as long as RGA is willing to seek people.

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