Merry Christmas 2022 Sale
Merry Christmas EveryoneThank you for choosing to spend another year on the BEST minecraft network ever, Performium! How do we know we're the best? Well, because YOU are here, that's how we know!
We are pleased to announce our Christmas Sale which will last from Christmas morning all the way through new years eve! The sale will be 30% most items, with a select few up to 90% off! There is no coupon/code needed, simply visit the store starting Christmas day!
We have a lot of goals for 2023 and hope you stick around and check them out! Speaking of sticking around, make sure you sign up for our newsletter to stay informed about everything. Everyone who is signed up for our newsletter no later than midnight Dec 22nd will receive a special Christmas Reward token on the website! Each person will have a chance to get between 1 and 10 tokens, so make sure you sign up at all seriousness and sincerity, we would like to say THANK YOU from the bottom of all of our hearts here at the Performium network. Each and every player on our servers is part of our virtual family, and we couldn't ask for a better gaggle of geese (pun intended. Every year we have a new set of hurdles, but with the support of our community we know we will be able to continue to grow, expand, and improve on everything we do!
I'm not sure about you, but 2022 definitely seemed to fly by. We had a lot of goals and managed to hit most of them, minus a few servers we had planned. This was mainly due to larger projects coming into play. One of those projects was the development of the website (which is now live, obviously), and the second major project is almost wrapping up which is the development of our own web store. The new store is planned to be launched during the first week of January, or even possibly sooner.
With all of our major development efforts wrapping up, we will have more time to start working on other fun projects. Make sure to check out and tell us what you'd like to see us create next.