Sushi OP Skyblock - 1.21.3 Launch Announcement

Sushi OP Skyblock - 1.21.3 Launch Announcement

Sushi OP Skyblock launches on Saturday 14th December 2024 at 6PM UK, 1PM Eastern, 12 noon Central, 11am Mountain and 10am Pacific.

Whats New?

As well as all the 1.21 Minecraft updates we have added a few little quirks to help make your lives easier as well:

- Magic Cobblestone Generators that are upgradeable with /is generators
- Changeable biomes
- Island Likes, Teams, Chats
- Islands in all 3 worlds
- Choose your own starter island. No more auto generated. Just type /is when you join
- Updated Mega Crates. Wont be pushed back to older servers.
- Redstone now works as vanilla as is possible on a multiplayer server
- Increased natural mob-spawning
- Island borders that are toggleable. /is border
- Featuring V2 Performium Upgradable Spawners, simply merge 5 of the same Tier Spawners and they will magically be upgraded to the next Tier Up. /upgradespawner
- Spawners now automatically collect their earnings on a sign above each spawner, simply click the sign for information on the spawner and earnings rates. Remember they still must be in a location that would normally cause them to spawn.
- No more mob stacking. Every mob and animal is now 100% natural. Natural spawning in the wild will enable you to collect drops and loot as you need.
- Player Chest Shops will enable you to have a real market to sell your mob drops, mining excesses and other items. With no more excesses of mob drops from spawner farms you can really corner the market on items that you have, and others want!
- /blockshop is enabled on this server, all items are available on launch. After all it is OP Skyblock
- All mobs and animals are enabled, no more blocked spawns. Plus, they behave as you expect in Vanilla Minecraft
- McMMO (all new version) enabled in all non pvp areas. level yourself up and use special skills
- Use /pv Player Vaults to keep your valuables safe from prying eyes.
- Instant Teleport with no delay for all ranks!
- Enchant updates allowing infinity crossbows, mending and infinity together on bows, looting on shears and other special combinations, try them out.
- Villagers are improved and can trade more easily, can farm, can breed, can be led with a lead and have full AI. Plus the Clerics can farm nether-wart
- Villagers are exempted from mob autocleaning limits, so no risk of loosing trading halls. A hard cap of 16 per island remains however.
- Phantoms are disabled
- Bees are more productive and will now work at night and when its raining.
- Want to make even prettier builds? Now you can use coral blocks outside water without them dying.
- Infinite Lava returns, along with placing furnaces over lava blocks to enable them to be self-fuelling forever.
- Having issues cleaning up the new infinite lava? You can now absorb lava with a sponge. Maybe nether bases are a new option.
- Ever place two slabs and wish you could remove just one? Now you can. Just sneak while you break, and one slab will peel off.
- Observer clocks have been removed from the game, so no more having your gameplay affected by a neighbouring "redstone genius"

- All new World Generation - 1.21.3 update has arrived.
- All New Performium Spawners
- Keep Inventory is enabled in all worlds.
- Great quality of life improvements

Hope to see you there!

The Performium Staff Team

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