Chunk Name-tagged entity protection blocks for sale

On candy server there's obviously chunk limits on mob and entities. SO.... my suggestion is allow us on there to BUY a placeable block that allows us to protect up to 5 named entities. Okay? Like if I want 5 sheep that are always 5 sheep for the wool and name them then bang - I get those 5 named sheep. Same with villagers - if I name 5 villagers they're always going to be there in those chunks.
Problem I'm seeing is if you nametag something it doesn't always stick. I had a fast horse that was named despawn... then a named farmer despawned as well. SO... what can I do unless you guys can maybe sell me the right to, I don't know, chunk lag? Naming up to 5 mobs? Does not seem TOO unreasonable to me. I wish you'd please consider it.

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